IDS AI-agent  Crew  (英文影片後接中文影片)

IDS is developed from FINS which is  build based on the Pioneer discipline “integrative narratology” founded by our chairman prof. You Yuan Chun last year. He won 1 best scientist award 2 best researcher awards within one month in this year, in recognition of his AI research and this new discipline. AI is nothing more than simulating human narrative, including language, actions and thinking. The stronger the narrative ability of AI, the more powerful it becomes. Storytelling is the best way to convey narrative. IDS aims to enhance the narrative ability of AI.

Storytelling is a part of our daily life. IDS can be used for everybody, any workspace, any area of industrial sector, any field of academic domain. To name a few prominent real world applications: narrative medicine, marketing, news report, filmmaking, mataverse, teaching, preaching, election etc.

IDS is an intelligent digital storytelling multimodal multiple AI-agents platform that aims to enhance narrative abilities of AI and promote teamwork collaboration. The multi-agents of IDS possess all features required to produce a film, with script, storyboard, shooting, lighting, sound effects, video, post-processing, verification, sharing, and deployment among other agents. This allows people across various communities to share experiences and knowledge through collaboration on projects or works. We also provide training services to help students and organizations engage in intelligent digital storytelling and facilitate digital transformation within their organizations.

IDS is an agent-based digital storytelling AI platform designed to simulate a film crew, contains an automatically story generation engine capable of creating diverse storylines and dialogues. Each agent, representing different crew roles such as director, characters, cinematographer, and editor, can perform their tasks effectively, simulating the decision-making process of their human counterparts to produce more compelling stories. 


AI助理可以協助教師利用互動數位說故事教學, 也可以協助學生製作數位說故事。






人們日常生活中無時無刻不在敘事,人工智慧(AI)無非是模擬人類的敘事,包括語言、行為和思維。 AI的敘事力越強,它的效力就越強。IDS旨在增強AI的敘事力,數位說故事是最好的敘事表達方式,換句話說,就是要增強AI的數位說故事能力。與敘事有最密切關係的是媒體敘事與授業傳道,因此,IDS先從多媒體與教育這兩方面著手。
大多數現有的電影製作AI工具都是基於文字到視訊或圖像到視訊的轉換。這種轉換輸出的電影與現實世界電影產業的要求相去甚遠。將基於文字的描述轉換為具有視覺吸引力且連貫的場景需要複雜的技能,這些技能包括產生適當的影像、攝影機角度、角色動作和視覺效果,從而使故事栩栩如生。製作一部令人難忘、引人入勝、震撼人心的電影,必須將哲學、倫理、心理學、歷史、社會、文化、藝術等人文素養與科技素養融為一體,描繪出引人入勝的人物和情節。IDS的AI代理團隊可以模擬電影製作劇組的角色,特別是劇作家角色,它具備科學與人文的全方位素養,又兼具編劇的專業技能,其創作的互動故事與劇本更能觸動人心引人入勝。當然還包括導演、分鏡、拍攝、燈光、音效、視訊和後處理等其他劇組人員的角色。IDS 製作的劇本和電影還可以作為編劇、導演和製片人的參考。
有鑑於國小教師大多不擅長說故事,常為準備一個適合課程內容的故事花費許多精力。 希望能利用IDS幫助老師用說故事的方式講課,同時培養學生說故事的創意及敘事力。 因此,以其聊天機器人(IDS-talent)協助國小老師製作互動故事,以教導小朋友創意說故事。透過IDS的互動與回饋機制,它可以協助教師利用互動說故事教學,針對學生不同的背景文化、性格、能力和資質提供寓教於樂、因材施教、多元、自主與情境式的教學和學習模式。在教學相長中可以提升教學效果,IDS創意的互動數位說故事讓學生有沉浸式的體驗,增進學習興趣、動機與自主性。 
    此外,我們也提供教育培訓與諮詢服務,從才藝班、職業生涯到終身學習的全齡教育,透過各領域實務社群(Community of Practice, CoP)的參與,利用IDS的數位說故事分享經驗和知識與協作,並促進個人和組織學習與數位轉型。
易用便捷流暢互動 互動式創意對話三分鐘創兩個故事增學習興趣
翻轉教育自主學習 教師課前製作互動故事提高學生自主學習動力
教學自動化代理人 數位說故事代理團隊自動編引人入勝課程內容
回饋對話記錄評估 用回饋調整說故事方式對話記錄評估學習成效