Integrative Narratology Intelligent Digital Storytelling Ltd.
Our life stories depend on the intelligence of handling information and knowledge for decision making. The future story of AI & the future of human stories are right inside integrative narraology. Integration is all you need. It’s all about reasoning in agent-based intelligent system toward a trustworthy and responsible human level AI. The true AI must achieve the human level intelligence, that is the intelligence of human narrative.
INIDS is an intelligent digital storytelling organization that aims to envision the future stories of mankind. We try to use “Integrative Narratology” which is founded by our Chairman Dr. You, to shape the future stories of mankind, and its core Technology INSAIA (Integrated Narrative System AI Agent) to develop AI and KM products. INSAIA brings together the strengths of symbolist and connectionist AI, two dominant streams in artificial intelligence. It’s not just another AI solution; it’s a beacon of hope for the future, promising a trustworthy total solution to achieve human level intelligence.
INIDS offers a hybrid AI multi-modal multi-agents platform, a marvel of innovation that features IDS-Intelligent Digital Storytelling, IPKM-Intelligent Personal Knowledge Management, IDH-Intelligent Digital Healthcare, and IDM-Intelligent Digital Marketing in the first phase.
本公司是董事長游源淳博士在今年五月創辦成立的,游博士去年新創了一門基於AI與元宇宙的新學科,名為整合敘事學,今年一月就因這門新學科及其早年人工智慧與知識管理研究,在2024南亞教育展獎中獲得最佳研究員獎,今年2月得到Multiverse honors-24最佳科學家獎(AI) ,今年3月又得到2024七大洲R&D獎最佳研究員獎。這門學科以AI創作數位說故事為主,因此,本公司取名為整合敘事學智慧數位說故事有限公司,英文簡稱INIDS。
游博士畢生專注於資訊、知識與智慧的研究,因為他認為人生圓滿與否多半取決於掌控資訊與知識做決策的智慧。他將此智慧與理念發展出整合敘事學,希望有助於人類形塑自己的故事,因此,AI未來故事和人類故事的未來就在整合敘事學這部葵花寶典中。因為他堅信真正的人工智慧是要達到人類水平的智慧,也就是人類敘事水平智慧。因此,他用此整合敘事學理念建構一個分形整合敘事系統FINS再用用FINS發展出的INSAIA平台成立INIDS開發產品。INIDS的願景是許人們一個智慧人生,許人間一片淨土,將AI技術推向巔峰之餘,對人類的自我提升亦不遺餘力,同時推動人機共生和諧共存,因此,除了開發產品之外,也將提供線上與線下的教育訓練與諮詢服務,從才藝班、生涯規劃到終身學習的全齡教育,培養完人教育,期能達到人生最高境界: 悟性與靈性。對產業界將提供智慧數位轉型的培訓與諮詢服務。
AR2VR is committed to the development of light, stable and fast navigation glasses APP and professional 3D360 panoramic recording service.
Team Of Experts
Dr. Yuan Chun You
Founder and Chairman, INIDS
Best scientist award(AI), Multiverse honor-24 of record owner . Best researcher award of seven continents R&D award-24. Best researcher award of 9th South Asian Education Awards-24. Professor AI & KM, Interdisciplinary across science and humanity. Chairman of Management Department at two university. Director of two computer centers.
Sandy Zhang
Product Manager
Expertise: UX/UI design . Web design, AI Digital content design
Meet Our Advisors
Dr. Bob Chu
Ph.D., Computer Science and Applications, Virginia Tech, USA.
The author of “The Minimum Viable Way to Enterprise Digitalization: Start with Process Automation and End with Software Design Automation”. Digital Transformation and EA Chief Architect, HZSL. More than 10 years managerial experience in MIS and ERP in United States after he received his PhD degree. Since then, he has served as the following leadership:
Senior Consultant, Huawei Enterprise Architecture and Process Management Department. Support the establishment of enterprise architecture tools and processes.
Director of the Product Architecture Committee, Kingdee Research Institute.
Developing ERP products to replace Oracle and SAP.
Vice President of R&D, Wuxi Yongzhong Technology, develops products to replace Microsoft Office.
CTO, The Open Group.
Paul SU
General Manager
Venture Manufacturing Ltd.
Melissa You
St. John’s Cathedral Counselling
John Liaw
Board Adviser
Executive Director Brilliant Animation Studios Ltd.
Jason Chang
Designer/Creative Director
10 years of international agency expertise across hospitality, commercial property, FMCGs and luxury goods. Today Jason build brand assets and identity systems for businesses and organizations across eCommerce, fintech, healthcare, NPOs and education.