IPKM AI-agent Crew

A Chinese proverb says “there is a golden house in the book”. Only people with sufficient knowledge can he give full play to his wisdom. Nowadays, the Internet is full of treasures of knowledge, but there is also a knowledge explosion, which increases the difficulty of treasure hunts. People just grab everything that seems to be interesting to them on the Internet, no matter whether they are treasures or not. They may not have time to look at them, and they cannot find them when they need to use them. This is the most common problem in the whole world today, and it is the most important issues needs to be solved. IPKM stands for Intelligent Personal Knowledge Management, a revolutionary system designed to tame the wild beast of digital data. With its multi-modal multi-AI agent social platform, IPKM is not just a tool, it’s your personal knowledge assistant. It represents, discovers, acquires, retrieves, organizes, secures and shares knowledge, transforming the chaotic realm of digital information into a well-organized, easily navigable knowledge base. But IPKM doesn’t stop at just managing your knowledge. It goes a step further, triggering agents in our IDS platform to generate digital storytelling for collaborative work in communities of practice. This adds a layer of interactivity and engagement to your knowledge management, making the process more dynamic and enjoyable. In addition, we offer IPKM tutorial courses and consulting services, to ensure that individuals and organizations can fully harness the power of AI in their quest for knowledge. We believe in empowering people to improve themselves and foster digital transformation within their organizations. Experience the power of Intelligent Personal Knowledge Management with IPKM. Your journey towards a smarter, wiser life starts here.

IPKM AI-agent Crew (中文影片)













         但它並不限於管理知識,還可觸發本公司產品 IDS、IDH、IDM(見以下系統架構圖) 的AI代理,生成各領域數位故事,以便在各領域知識實務社群 (CoP-Community of Practice) 中分享經驗和協作。此外,它也為個人和組織提供教學和諮詢服務,以促進自我提升和組織智慧數位轉型。為達成聯合國的SDG(Sustainable Development Goal),IPKM特別加強綠色知識管理,結合智慧數位轉型與綠色轉型,推動綠色創新和永續發展以提高產業競爭力,引領智慧經濟與綠色經濟相融合的未來。

綠色轉型競爭優勢: IPKM促進綠色創新數位轉型提高產業優勢
智慧知識智慧人生: 體驗IPKM強大功能,邁向智慧人生的旅程
     知識圖譜智慧檢索: 向量檢索知識圖譜的知識關係回答精準且豐富
     問對問題精確回答: 互動式對話啟發靈感引領詢問方向得正確答案