游源淳(2003,10 月)。未來醫學影像在認知神經科學之應用及其碎形分析。論文發表 於第三屆未來學研討會-未來科技與人文對話。頁 1-24,92 年 10 月 2-3 日,宜蘭 市,臺灣。

游源淳(2023a,12 月)。基於整合敘事學系統架構的自動生成數位說故事及數位學習。 2023 年台灣教育傳播暨科技學會年會@TKU 國際學術研討會。12 月 1-2 日,新 北市,臺灣。

游源淳(2023b,12 月)。整合敘事學中智慧數位說故事導向的網路敘事傳播。2023 年 台灣教育傳播暨科技學會年會@TKU 國際學術研討會。 12 月 1-2 日,新北市, 臺灣。

游源淳(2023c,12 月)。整合敘事學理論初探中淺談智慧數位說故事的理論與實務。 2023 數位傳播-賽博光廊暨飆心立藝學術研討會。12 月 9 日,新北市,臺灣。

Y. C. You(2023, October). Integrative Narratology and Its Application in AI-based Virtual Education System. The 7th International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E- Technology (ESET 2023), October 13-15, Chiayi, Taiwan.

Y. C. You, 2005, Invited Talk: Conceptual framework for the integration of Business Process Management and Knowledge Management in Collaborative Commerce. Best 2005 and IEEE Asia-Pacific Service Computing Forum.

Y. C. You, 2004, An Integral Approach of Creative Instruction Through Visualized KM and TRIZ,2004 International Conference on Education and Information Technology:The Prospect of Education Under the Trend Toward Globalization and Digitization, December 3-4, 2004, Conference-CD 4A01.

Y. C. You, 2004, The State of Art of e-Commerce Education and a Conceptual Framework for Future Planning, Proceedings of International Conference on e-Business, May 17- 19, 2004, Fuzhou, China, pp.427-438

Y. C. You, 2004, The Integral Approach of Knowledge Creation for Futures Studies in the Knowledge Society, Proceedings of Futures Studies-A Colloquium on Methodology, May 7, 2004, pp.1-11

Y.C. You, 2004. A Conceptual Framework for Visualized Knowledge Management in Collaborative Commerce Proceedings of International Conference on e-Business, May 17-19,2004,Fuzhou, China, pp.3-11

Y. C.You, 2002, Development of Virtual Innovation Cluster and Supporting Infrastructure : Concepts and Framework, Proceedings of the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems-APIEMS, December 18-20, 2002, pp.977-980

Y. C. You,2002,A Conceptual Framework for e-Collaboration Oriented Virtual Innovation Clusters, Proceedings of 2002 Workshop on Technology Management in R.O.C., December 13-14, 2002, pp.1240-1244

Y. C. You, 2002,A Conceptual Framework for Innovation System in Knowledge-Based Economy Era., Proceedings of Network and Knowledge-based Economy Workshop, Issue 3:Knowledge Management and Innovation System, October 12, 2002, pp.1-11

Y. C. You, 2002, Study on the Reduced National Innovation System-A Cluster-Based Approach, Proceedings of 2002 Technology Development Program for Academia Workshop on Non-Technical Area Sponsored by Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs, September 5-6,2002, PP.58-65

Y.C. You, 1997, Study on Nurse Training for Medical Institutions and Medical Schools in both Public and Private Sectors in Taiwan Province. Technical Report, Department of Health, Taiwan Provincial Government

Y. C. You, 1993, On IDSS Generator’s Architecture and Implementation, working paper, National Sun Yat-Sen University

Y. C. You, “Study on the development of a Legal expert system government compensation issue”, NSC77-0301-H110-04,Technical Report, National Science Council,1990.

Y. C. You and Kai-heng You, 1988, An Expert System Prototype for Government Compensation. Proceedings of the 10th annual Science Engineering Technology(SETS). May 28-29,1988, Houston. Texas, PT 6.1-PT 6.4

Y. C. You,“An Expert System approach to the construction of a prototype Model Base Management System”, NSC 75-0408-E110-02, Technical Report, National Science Council,1987.

Y. C. You, “Legal Authority in Computer System–A Legal Expert System”Surpassingness Quarterly,July 1987,pp.32-34.

Y. C. You, “An expert system approach to the construction of a Prototype Model Base Management System”, Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Computer System Technology,August 12-15 1987, pp.483-500.

Y. C. You, 1986, A Conceptual Architecture for Knowledge-Based Decision Support System Software, Proceedings of International Computer Symposium, Vol.3, December 17-19 1986, pp.1837-1841.

Y. C. You, 1986, An Application of Knowledge-Based Decision Support System to MRP, Proceedings of Annual Conference of Chinese Institution of Industrial Engineers, November 1986, pp.103-115

Y.C. You,1986, The Construction and Application of an Expert System,Proceedings of Information Technology Workshop on Expert System, pp.4-1-4-17

Y.C. You,1986, Expert System for Software Development, Proceedings of the 8thAnnual Science Engineering Technology(SETS), May 24-25 1986, Houston, Texas, pp.237- 239

Y.C. You,1986, Expert System for Model Management, Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Spie, April 1-3 1986, Orlando, Florida, P:17-24

Y.C. You,1985, Knowledge Representation in Model Base Management System, Proceedings of National Computer symposium, December 1985, PP.113-119

Y.C. You,1984, Brief Discussion on Decision Support System,Wang Magazine, Vol. 11,1984, pp.27-28

Y.C. You, 1984, A Proper Way Toward Manufacturing Information System, Country Paper for Apo Symposium on the Application of Computers in Manufacturing Operations,May 28-June 1,1984, Hong Kong

Y. C. You, “A framework for a Knowledge-Based Expert System oriented Decision Support System”, Computer Research, Vol.14 No. 4, pp. 6-14,1984.

Y. C. You, “The construction of an expert system to improve managerial productivity”, Proceedings of Information and Productivity Workshop, December 1984,pp.83-90.

Y.C. You, 1983, Building Effective Management Information System to Upgrade Computer Applications, Science-Based Industrial Park Bimonthly, September 1983

Y.C. You and I. Y. Shen, 1982, Design and Applications of an MRP System with Pegged Requirement, Industrial Engineering,Vol.2 No.1, pp.11-40

Y.C. You, 1981, Survey of Industrial Automation in Plastic Industry, Technical Report, Executive Yuan of the Republic of China

Y.C. You,1981, Industrial Automation and Computer Aided Manufacturing, Management Quarterly,October 1981

Y. C. You, 1981,Management Information System and Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II), Information and Computer,Vol.2 No.1, pp14-16

Y.C. You, 1981, Strategic Planning of Management Information System and Warehousing for the Master Plan of an New Weapon Plant,Technical Report, Ministry of Defense, Saudi Arabia

Y.C. You, 1980, An Master Plan for a Semi-Automated Factory of Army Auto Rebuild Base, Technical Report,Army Auto Rebuild Base

Y.C. You, 1978, A Computer Model for Color TV Marketing Research in Taiwan, Technical Report, Sony Taiwan Corp

Y.C. You, 1977, Outlook of the Convergence of Communication and Computer Technology, NCKU Mathematics, June 1977,pp.23-27

Y.C. You, 1977, Number Theory and Coding, Proceedings of Number Theory Workshop, Math.Center,National Science Council,pp.99-109

Y.C. You,1977, Introduction to Information Theory ,NCKU Mathematics, PP.93-94 Y. C. You, “Role of the Rationals in the Markov and Lagrange Spectra”, Ph.D. thesis,

Mathematics department, Michigan State University, 1976.
